Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sound and Fury


Josh Aronson's documentary takes an unexpected approach to the "medical miracle" film by examining the political and emotional turmoil that erupts between brothers over the cochlear implant that might allow their deaf children to hear. The ways in which a so-called miracle cure can divide as well as heal families and communities is the focus of Sound and Fury, which received an Oscar nomination for Best Documentary Feature.

This is a MUST see documentary. Its about the hearing impaired community and the debate between people who want cochlear implants and those that are against it.
I read a review on this movie that really struck a heart string. I am going to paraphrase what the review said. The man said that when he first watched this he thought that it was a good idea that the hearing impaired get the implant... then he stopped and thought about his son. He thought about the same argument his son could make to him if he wanted to be turned white/Caucasian. That to me is a perfect analogy. Not everyone is eligible for the implant either. People with certain types of hearing loss are not able to get the implant. Definitely interesting to see both sides of the fence on this one. I only gave it four stars because it is not available in closed caption. ? That struck me as really insulting to the hearing impaired.

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