Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Following Sean Documentary

Following Sean Documentary

Once again if you like to watch people and their lives... if you like the physiological aspect of documentaries, then this is a great movie to watch. Its about a boy named Sean. Originally the filmmaker Ralph Arlyck did an interview and videotaped Sean when Sean was 4yrs old. Sean's parents were hippies living the in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district in 1969. Ralph lived in the appt below them. Sean (again only 4) smoked and ate pot while running around wild in the neighbor hood. Ralph's first documentary about Sean caught a lot of attention. Most people viewed it as being a perfect example of the things wrong with American at the time. This documentary takes place 30yrs later and follows Sean's adult life for a little while, but it also reflects on Ralph's life to. 50% Sean 50% Ralph.

***Spoiler Alert starts here***

My personal opinion. I think Ralph is super self indulgent. How is it you have a grown man with two adult sons that still doesn't know what he wants to do with his life? Seriously??? Here his wife works as a professor for a college and he does what??? WHAT???  I could say a lot more about Mr. Arlyck, but its all very rude. I am going to leave my rudeness out.
Flip side of the coin, Sean. WOW! Most parents want their children to succeed in life. Most parents put back hard earned money for their kids to go to college, or at least some money for them to go. Most parents put emphasis on making good grades and doing well in school so they will grow up to become contributing members of society. Sean's parents were not like that. They were/are 100%Hippie. Throw in the mix communist grandparents and yeah, you end up with a child who smokes dope and is encouraged to do so at the age of 4. Sean however, didn't chose that path in life. He went to Berkley and graduated with honors. He put himself through college! He had some help from commie grandma but the boy really went far on his own. Here's what the school systems and colleges don't want you to know: Just cause you went through all that, it doesn't mean your going to end up with a high paying job. OUCH! That's what poor Sean learned the hard way. See, he wants a better life, he wants better things in that life and he has worked his ass off to get there BUT he is not there, he just can't quite get there. He works as an electrician and is a very intelligent guy. Cute too. He doesn't make much money at all. His intelligence is not being used anywhere near its full potential because he can't pay for grad school. He wants to be a lawyer. Law school=super expensive. What do you do in life when you are in your 30's and just can't afford to go any further? To add to that mix, you have a wife and a kid... then your divorced so you have child support and possibly alimony. It didn't say anything about alimony, but I am assuming cause she is Russian that she most likely picked up some alimony. Ekkkkk. SO all the parents out there that wonder when their kids act up, rebel, refuse to do homework, spend more time with their friends than studying, yada, ****en, yada, Stop asking yourself if you are doing the right thing. You are. You aren't a hippy, you aren't a commie, (unless you are a commie and if so get the **** off my blog) so your doing something right. You don't have to sit around and watch your kids struggle this way cause regardless of your income, you most likely put a little on the side for your kid and/or at least showed up at a few parent teacher conferences. Hang in there Sean! If nothing else, you can and will be a good father to your son!

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